Friday, May 05, 2006

stanley school......

today was stanley school...a field trip where students go to a school from the 1800's and have to dress and act the part...down to the lunch box i had to pack today. i had a hard time getting austen to smile because he said people never smiled in old fashioned pictures.
he looked so cute in his knickers, suspenders and hat. he carried a tin pail for his lunch which included a chicken leg, two hard boiled eggs and an apple. since there was no plastic back then i had to wrap the chicken leg in paper and wrap the lunch in cloth. his hair was parted down the middle and gel'd down.
the rest of the class dressed up too as well as the teachers. alot of the kids were upset when they got to school because the other kids were teasing them on the bus or as they walked into school because of the clothes they were wearing. kids can really little girl was crying at her desk because of the teasing.

all in all, they were much more comfortable once they were in the class together because they were all dressed alike. they really looked cute. i really wanted to go to the stanley school with them but they didn't need chaperones so i just went to school in the am to take pictures. Posted by Picasa


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