Tuesday, May 23, 2006

is it possible....

to smell a season? i think that i smelled 3 on the way home from work today. first of all, finally..a fairly warm day, warm enough to put the windows down in the car for the ride home. i don't know if it was the heat or just simply the season, but the heady smell of lilacs was heavy in the air. all the way down the road to the freeway and even then, the freeway had less cars than usual and i could actually smell that lovely spring smell of lilacs on the freeway. when i pulled off of the freeway on to the road that leads me home, someone was burning leaves {or wood, but it smelled like leaves} you know, the smell of leaves burning in the fall. about a mile further, someone had just finished cutting their grass. ahhh, i love the smell of fresh cut grass, one of my favorite smells of summer. so there you have it, the smells of spring, summer and fall, in one 12 mile drive home. and since this is michigan, {don't like the weather? wait an hour and it'll change} maybe i'll be able to smell winter tonight if we get a frost like we did last night.


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