The musings of a wanna-be photographer, momma, wife, nonna, friend, sister, daughter and scrapbooker. read some random thoughts from my head....
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
the boys of summer are back...
it's baseball season once again. and this time, they mean business. you bat until you get a hit, get a walk or strike out. 5 innings or two hours, whichever comes first. this was his first scrimmage, from last thursday.... and he got to play catcher for a couple of innings. even though he never played that position before he did really well. he got a triple, too.
and he didn't let one ball get by him....well almost... champ loves to go out to the ballpark too. although he is more interested in the other dogs there than in cheering austen on....and he is just a tiny bit humiliated by having to be tied to the fence....
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