Sunday, May 28, 2006

50 random questions.....

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i found this on a scrapbooking message board...

Name and Nickname (if you have one)? cindy

Are you named after someone? no

Astrological Sign? libra

Do you have a journal? yes, a blog

Do you still have your tonsils? yes

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no

First feature you notice on someone you are attracted to? eyes

What is on your mouse pad? my mouse pad is a creative memories cutting pad!

Book you are reading right now? "100 simple secrets of happy people" and "encyclopedia of an ordinary life"

Do you collect anything? scrapbook supplies and picture frames

Favorite TV Show? any home decorating show

Do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses

Last movie you saw? over the hedge, yesterday

Favorite vacation spot? anywhere on the east coast

Shoe size? 10

Do you eat breakfast? usually

Favorite cereal? banana nut crunch

Favorite lunch meat? smoked turkey

Do you have any tattoos or piercings? ears pierced

What color is your bedroom carpet? oyster

If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, what store would it be? pottery barn

What celebrity(dead or alive)would you like to have lunch with? princess diana

If you were given a round trip ticket anywhere in the world, where would you go? paris

What time do you go to bed? 10:30pm

Favorite fast food? bk angus burger

Dream car? jaguar

Do you wear a watch? no

Fabric softner or dryer sheets? fabric softner

Dine in or carry out? dine in

Mystery or romance novels? romance

Early or late riser? early

Mayo or Miracle whip? mayo

Dill or sweet pickles? dill

Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate

Cake or pie? cake

Steak or chicken? chicken

Gold or silver? gold

Roses or carnations? roses

Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits (real ones)

Disney or Warner Brothers? disney

Desk, messy or organized? messy

Coke or Pepsi? coke

Summer or winter? summer

Chinese or Mexican food? mexican

Rolling Stones or The Beatles? beatles

Baseball or Football? football

White or wheat? white

Action or drama? drama

Dark or milk chocolate? milk chocolate

MAC or PC? pc (dell)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy! Thanks for posting on my blog the other day :) I appreciate it! I enjoyed reading yours today. GREAT pictures and your family is so beautiful! Have a wonderful day! Leah

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Banana Nut Crunch huh.... I should have guessed with your banana cinnamon peanut butter sandwiches.

7:13 PM  

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