i guess it was our fault. we left the tray of chocolate candy left over from the party at the field's house on saturday up on our counter...at the back of the counter...in an area where champ's electric fence collar will beep, and most likely shock him if he gets too close to that side of the kitchen. our fault that he probably got shocked 4 or 5 times as he ate every piece of chocolate candy off of that tray in the time it took for don to take austen to the dentist. yup, i should have put that chocolate up into the cupboard, with the child lock so the dog couldn't get at it. as everyone knows chocolate=death for dogs. well, we shoved some hydrogen peroxide into his mouth (per his vet) and waited...for him to vomit. which he did, three times. he started to act like himself, albeit a little bit hyper from the caffeine and sugar in the chocolate, shortly thereafter. everything back to normal...right?....oh, no.
not our dog. he needed to go back outside about an hour later and we didn't think anything of it. i don't know why i checked,
but i did, and found that the piles of his vomit were gone...yes folks,
frozen in the snow, no less. so we started him on his second round of the hydrogen peroxide. he knew what was coming this time and really fought us trying to give it to him. i knew that turkey baster had more than one use. shot that stuff right down his throat, i did. he gave up the poison again and don was outside right after scooping it up and disposing of this batch. he is now imprisoned in his cage for the night. i hear him downstairs pacing and circling in his cage because i took his nice big fluffy bed out of it and threw a couple of bath towels in there in case he pukes during the night. they were old towels too, in case i just want to throw them into the trash instead of washing them. i think he really can't believe that i didn't put his big fluffy bed back in his cage for him, spoiled brat...hopefully i won't wake up to a mess.
'nite all.
sweet (
chocolate) dreams champers...
This is yet another opportunity to see the Bible as a source of all wisdom.
"As a dog returns to it's vomit, so a fool repeats his folly" (Proverbs 26:11)
"Of them the proverbs are true: "a dog returns to it's vomit""... (2 Peter 2:22)
Yep, some things never change. ;)
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