Monday, August 06, 2007

sometimes change sucks....

like when don decided to change internet servers from aol to comcast to accommodate his new laptop and wireless setup. in short..i don't like comcast as my new server. maybe it was too easy to use aol because we had that account for so long. comcast is what we are signed up for as our high speed internet, telephone and cable for the house. apparently, blogger doesn't recognize my new email address and password. and changing it was like running around in circles. like everything else in life lately, the emails to try and change over to the new server were automated. you know, like when you call anywhere for anything and you get routed to india and your customer service representative is "jennifer" or "michael" even though they have curiously very thick indian accents. well that is what it was like for me to try and access my blog in the last few weeks. i know some of you have been waiting for me to post, and i apologize for the delay. i found out that i can't upload pictures to the blog and i'm not sure why. if i can't figure it out, i will either switch from blogger to typepad or open a brand new blog in blogger. i plan on working on this tomorrow. so, my friends and patient for a little longer. oh, and tessa is getting cuter by the day and scarlett is so sweet with her and such a helpful big sister. i promise, i will try to get some pictures uploaded. if i have to start another blog, i will let you know.........

edited...i guess i can upload pictures, just differently and one at a time instead of directly from picasa..ah is nanny with tess and scarlett in the most unusual sleeping position i have ever seen her in....more later


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